Strength Through Joy!


O thou mighty light and burning flame of comfort!, that unveilest the glory of Satan to thecenter of the Earth; in whom the great secrets of truth have their abiding; that is called in thy kingdom: "strength through joy", and is not to be measured. Be thou a window of comfort unto me. Move therefore, and appear! Open the mysteries of your creation! Be friendly unto me, for I am the same!, the true worshipper of the highest and ineffable King of Hell!


"Strength Through Joy (German: "Kraft durch Freude" [KdF]), was a large state-controlled leisure organization in Third Reich, a part of the German Labour Front (Deutschen Arbeitsfront [DAF]), the National German labour organization.

From 1933 it provided affordable leisure activities such as concerts, day-trips and holidays as in Prora. Large ships, such as the Wilhelm Gustloff, were built specially for KdF cruises.

The KdF also set up production of an affordable car, the KdF-Wagen, later called VW Beetle. A new town was built for the production and for housing the workers, KdF-Stadt, now called Wolfsburg. KdF organized a special saving scheme to allow ordinary workers the luxury of a car. However, due to the start of World War II very little of this was realised and both the factory and the rest of KdF became focused on supporting the war efforts."

The above excerpt was taken from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia